Death Valley ’49ers
The Death Valley ‘49ers Welcomes Your Active Participation and Financial Support.
The ’49ers are all volunteers (no paid members or staff) and interested in many things: a) promoting the Death Valley National Park and the surrounding area (awareness of the geology, beauty, etc.), b) researching the pioneers and an awareness of the contribution the pioneers made, c) the needs of the young people of the area for education (financial scholarships and liaison with the kids & their teachers), d) opportunities to get together to share with each other—The Encampment the 2nd weekend in November and board meetings every other month (open to the public), e) support other groups (Death Valley Chamber of Commerce, Death Valley Natural History Association & their Conferences, etc.), f) collect and manage a library & memorabilia, g) publish many books, h) put on an outstanding western art show during The Encampment, i) publish a twice yearly newsletter, j) and not the least: support the National Park. The ‘49ers need money for the Scholarship Endowment , people to work on and organize the various activities at the Encampment, help with the Web site and all kinds of other activities. Your financial donations are tax deductible. Would you like to have a copy of the “three fold” Purpose of the Death Valley ’49ers and the Program for last year’s Encampment? They cover many of these activities. If you have an interest, the ‘49ers would be happy to send them to you. From time to time, the budget may have a shortfall due to lower than expected income at the Encampment. This last year (2004) was one of these because there was an “every twenty year” rainstorm and subsequent road washouts. You may wish to contribute to making up for that shortfall. Send donations to the Treasurer, Death Valley ‘49ers, P.O. Box 338, Death Valley, CA 92328.
There are various levels of membership in the ’49ers:
A. Regular Members, $20 annually–and within that are: 1. Advisors–three directors endorse and read their application to the Board of Directors at two meetings of the Board where the applicant is present and adoption by the Board, 2. Associates–unable to attend three board meetings annually and whose services are vital to the Encampment.
B. Life Member: pay a lifetime fee of $300 in place of the annual fee.
C. Contributing Members and
D. Corporate Members
If you are interested in becoming more active in the Death Valley ‘49ers contact a member of the Death Valley ‘49ers at . Or mail: Death Valley ‘49ers, P.O. Box 338, Death Valley, CA 92328. You will receive a prompt reply to you inquiry.
Who are the Death Valley ’49ers? Below Represents Part Of Their Published Statement.
The Death Valley ’49ers is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization that seeks to expand public awareness of Death Valley. Death Valley is a highly valued national resource and recreational area that is protected and preserved by the National Park Service and others for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations. The aim of the ’49ers is to foster appreciation of Death Valley as a rare desert environment having unique natural and cultural histories, which played an important role in the settlement of the west and the addition of California to the Union. Special recognition is given to the California bound pioneer wagon parties of 1849-50. Their indomitable will to survive and persevere through the ordeal of that winter serves as an enduring example of the hardy spirit of all Americans who traveled far searching for new and better lives. The Death Valley ’49ers sponsor the Annual Encampment each November to celebrate this pioneer spirit and this special place called Death Valley
What do the ’49ers do ?
– Produce the Annual Death Valley Encampment which includes:
– planning and organizing the many events
– arranging funding for insurance, fees and permits
– leasing audio and other equipment
– arrange prizes and awards
– help provide ambulance service and other professional support
– Sponsor the Invitational Art Show
– Sponsor the many musical events.
– Publish the encampment program and annual “Keepsake” booklet
– Manage the ’49ers Scholarship Program for Death Valley area high school students.
– Publish several books about Death Valley
– Cooperatively sponsor the Death Valley History Conferences.
– Maintain contact with the Timbisha-Shoshone Tribe on matters of mutual interest.
– Assist in renovation projects
More about the ’49ers
– An all volunteer, Non-Profit organization.
– Primarily supported by membership dues.
– ’49ers receive no pay or salary.
– Have no headquarters office, equipment, vehicles, etc.
– Have no paid staff or employees.
– Receive no government or other funding.
– Unaffiliated with other organizations.
– Directors and Advisors plan encampment, other projects
–and programs at six meetings held during the year.
For More Information On The “Death Valley ’49ers” Go To:
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